
FRANCE is located in Western Europe. France is renowned for its wines, sophisticated cuisine and classical art museums. Moreover, this country is working toward promoting ECO-TOURISM, by discover the NORMANDIE you will be surprised by the PRESERVED NATURE and ecology here.

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France is considered a world leader when it comes to sustainable initiatives. It is consistently ranked as one of the most sustainable nations in Europe and the world due to its strong emphasis on green initiatives and willingness to reevaluate and transform unsustainable infrastructure and practices.

Travel tips from our editors

Tourism & People

From the romance of Paris to the charm of Provence, France offers a diverse range of experiences. The country’s diverse landscapes, from the French Alps to the Mediterranean coast, cater to various interests, including outdoor enthusiasts and beach lovers. The French are known for their appreciation of fine cuisine, art, and fashion, which are all integral parts of the travel experience. They are known for their warmth and hospitality towards foreign visitors, and a basic understanding of French phrases can go a long way, as English is not widely spoken outside major tourist hubs.

Nature & Wildlife

Frances has numerous natural landscapes filled with lavender fields, gorges and lakes. The country is home to a wide range of wildlife, including deer, wild boars, foxes, and a variety of bird species. Its national parks and protected areas, such as the Mercantour National Park and the Camargue Regional Nature Park, provide sanctuaries for these animals.

Sustainability Recognitions

Brazil has 9 destinations featured in the Top 100 Sustainable Destinations 2021.

Other sustainability certifications can be seen here (English) and here (Portuguese).

Fernanda Rodak | Page Editor

“Brazil is a worldwide known hotspot for biodiversity as well as home to a multitude of cultural expressions. The natural and cultural heritage and immense variety of tourism experiences in the country are valuable assets for its competitiveness. Yet, as we envision a post Covid-19 era, sustainability in tourism becomes crucial to build resilience and guarantee the long-lasting health of Brazil’s ecosystems and well-being of the hosting communities. This would also ensure an active contribution of the country’s tourism sector to the Sustainable Development Goals.”

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