© Good Travel Guide, October 2021
We all have a bucket list of places we want to visit, but are we willing to make the most sustainable choice when it comes to the mode of transport to get there?

Different studies have evaluated the CO2 emissions produced by different modes of transport. Considering the kg of CO2 per passenger generated per 1000 km travelled, travelling by car alone is the worst option, followed by travelling by motorbike and flying. On the opposite side, coach and train resulted to be the least polluting transport means along with e-Bikes.
A new survey conducted for Omio by YouGov investigated European travellers’ willingness to change their preferred mode of transport to a more environmentally friendly option. The results show that 57% of Brits, 45% of the Germans and 40% of the French would consider choosing a more sustainable option. Further data on British travellers reveal the factors that influence their travel choices. First, the length of the journey, only a third of UK respondents would happily accept a longer journey (30 minutes), and only 16% would accept a 1-hour longer trip. Second, the cost of the ticket, 49% of Brits stated that they would be more likely to switch to rail travel if it was cheaper than flying. Buses are another viable option and one in four Brits prefers buses to planes and trains when the price is right.
Comparing the results of the 2021 survey with a similar survey from 2019 reveals that there is a greater awareness about climate change and travel choices. In 2019, 19% of UK respondents admitted to not considering environmental impact when travelling, this number has decreased to 9.8% in 2021. Read more about it on TravelDailyNews.
If you want to know more about travel emissions, carbon offsetting and sustainable solutions read our blog article here.